BEST FILM: "Freak Mart" by Team A.L. Baer
AUDIENCE AWARD: "Kung Fu Killbots" by Team Grindhouse
BEST ACTING/PERFORMANCE: "Stumpy" in "They Called Her Stumpy" by Greenless Pictures
BEST SCREENPLAY/STORYLINE: "Arbor Day" by Red Productions
BEST EDITING: "Biker Babes from Beyond" by Tall Ship Productions
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY: "They Called Her Stumpy" by Greenless Pictures
Bonus Categories:
BEST GORE: "Freak Mart" by Team A.L. Baer
BEST NUDITY: "The Cheerleaders' Bloody Pom Poms" by Ninja Kill Squad
Now strap on your 3-D glasses for "They Called Her Stumpy," which has already been put up on Youtube by its web-savvy director.
What a good action packed movie this is. I love action movies and this is the most fascinating one. I found this movie a few days before at this place it’s a nice one. Here you can watch Grindhouse with the best quality features.